DePuy Pinnacle Hip Replacement Defects Causing Serious Problems for Patients | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

DePuy continues to be in the headlines for the exact wrong reasons. Reports indicate that the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant has received over 1,300 “adverse reports” (i.e. reports from patients about something wrong with the hip device). In 2010 alone, there were 545 adverse reports.

What does the FDA have to say about this? Well, not much since they never approved the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant for use with a metal liner.

Instead, DePuy used a loophole in the FDA regulation that allows DePuy to sell the Pinnacle hip implant without having to conduct any clinical trials that prove that the implant is safe or proper for use by patients.

Think about that for a moment. DePuy is selling a device that is inserted into a person’s body and relied upon as a hip implant and the company did zero testing before releasing it to the public. Absolutely shocking.

The FDA has not yet recalled the Pinnacle hip implant device, but it may be forced to if DePuy Pinnacle patients continue to file adverse reports about the hip implant device. The agency recalled the DePuy hip replacement device when the failure rate increased to a whopping 13 percent. Will the FDA wait until the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant device has seriously hurt even more patients? We will have to wait and see.

For now, if you have suffered serious side effects as a result of the DePuy Pinnacle hip implant device, consider speaking to a DePuy injury lawyer to learn about your legal options.