Investigation Uncovers that Mall Food Court Trays as Dirty as Toilet Seats | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

A CBC investigation took samples from those plastic trays at mall food courts and the results are pretty disgusting. The CBC reporter took swaps from food trays from three different mall food courts, and then took a swab from a gas station toilet.

A microbiology professor at the University of British Columbia, Dr. Bob Hancock, did the test and says they saw as many bacteria on the food trays as they saw on the toilet.The mall food court trays had different types of bacteria, but they had some pathogens that can cause infection.

A high degree of care attaches to the company or person providing the food for sale and consumption. As in any case, it is important to save a receipt showing a purchase whether in a restaurant or a retail establishment and it is important to hold on to any available evidence that can confirm the personal injury caused by the food product. Companies that defend these cases are highly suspicious of these claims so it is important that witnesses and independent corroboration evidence be located as soon as possible.