
Can I Be Compensated for PTSD/Anxiety After My Car Accident?

Car accidents are traumatic events. Not only do they leave their victims with serious physical injuries, but they can also inflict different forms of emotional trauma that many people find difficult to cope with. After being involved in an accident, you may find that you experience a variety of psychological challenges, such as post-traumatic stress…

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Will My Personal Injury Settlement Affect My Medicaid Benefits?

If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, you could be eligible to collect financial compensation in the form of a personal injury settlement.  If, however, you receive Medicaid, you might be concerned about the impact your settlement award may have on your benefits. Medicaid is a state-funded form of medical coverage for persons…

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April Is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

In the modern age, where technology intertwines with every aspect of our lives, distractions have become ubiquitous, especially on the roads. April, designated as Distracted Driving Awareness Month, serves as a crucial reminder of the perils of distracted driving and the importance of fostering safer road practices. With lives at stake and the alarming statistics…

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