Outbreaks Tied to Unsafe Injection Practices Have NC Officials Worried | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

What Happened:

North Carolina public health officials have launched a campaign, the “One and Only” project, to raise awareness among residents of the dangers associated with infection related to poorly administered injections.

Administrators with the North Carolina Division of Public Health have said that the numbers support their worry regarding the dangers of badly handled injections. The group points to data gathered by the CDC which found that there have been 48 outbreaks across the country since 2001 related to unsafe injection practices.

These outbreaks have left more than 150,000 patients exposed or potentially exposed to infection from needles, syringes and single-dose medication vials that have been reused. Officials in North Carolina say those numbers are actually underestimated given the difficulty in tracking down the sources of such infections.

The risk of injury or death from tainted injections has prompted the warning to patients and healthcare providers about the importance of using one needle and one syringe only one time. Patients should be aware that no matter the setting, whether a doctor’s office, hospital, nursing home or emergency clinic, shortcuts can be taken that might jeopardize your health. Given the possible harm, patients should feel free to ask doctors whether they are being given a new needle and new vial for every procedure.

The North Carolina Personal Injury Attorney’s Perspective:

We grow up believing doctors know best. The years of schooling and long internships are supposed to ensure that medical professionals understand how to safeguard our health. While that’s usually the case, there are unfortunately exceptions to every rule.

Though many patients often feel embarrassed to question a doctor, the risks associated with unsafe injections are too great to ignore. North Carolinians should feel safe checking with their physician to make sure they are receiving new needles, new syringes and new vials every time they undergo a medical procedure.

Helpful Info:

If you have been injured by a dangerous or defective drug, you may be able to hold the company that manufactured and marketed the drug accountable by filing claims for compensation. Read this article to begin learning about your legal rights and options when a faulty product leads to injuries.

Have Questions?

To learn more about how to proceed if you have been injured as a result of a prescription drug in North Carolina, please read the following FAQs.