Separate Accidents in Newport News, VA Injure Pedestrian, Bike Rider | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

The afternoon of Sept. 25, 2012, proved dangerous for a bike rider and a pedestrian in Newport News, Virginia (VA). The bicyclist was struck by a car from behind on Fort Eustis Boulevard and suffered a head injury that, while not life-threatening, did require hospital treatment.

Minutes later, a car approaching a red light on Jefferson Avenue skidded through an intersection and hit a pedestrian. The victim of that car crash is also expected to recover, but the driver has been charged with reckless driving. No charges have yet been filed in relation to the collision between the car and the bike.


Two men struck by cars in Newport News


The Virginia Personal Injury Lawyers’ Perspective

These two accidents occurred just two days after another driver hit two people crossing Jefferson Avenue on an electric wheelchair. That earlier collision left the woman on the wheelchair injured and her companion in critical condition. The man’s injuries later proved fatal.

There is nothing especially dangerous about crossing major surface streets in Newport News. What the recent spate of wrecks in the city does illustrate, though, is that drivers can inflict great harm on pedestrians and bike riders by committing seemingly small mistakes behind the wheel such as not stopping early at red lights, following too closely and not watching for people on foot or bicycles.


Potentially Helpful Info

The worst outcome from the September 25 car crashes is likely to be the head injury to the bicyclist. The aftermath of any severe blow to the head can be disabling, ranging from uncontrollable headaches and memory impairment to loss of muscle control. This free report written by Virginia personal injury attorneys discusses such issues and provides information on accident victims’ legal rights and options for pursuing compensation for head and brain injuries.


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