What should I do if the other driver’s insurance company contacts me? | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

You should not speak to the other driver’s insurance company for any reason. Claims adjusters have extensive training and a set of questions that are designed to illicit responses from an injured victim that often hurts the victim’s claim against the insurance company. In fact, your claim could ultimately be denied because of the way you inadvertently answered the adjustor’s questions.  You should never grant an insurance company access to any of your medical records, and never agree to a recorded statement. This is why it is critical to retain a car accident attorney as soon as possible. Your attorney will handle any and all communication with the other driver’s insurance company.  Remember, the insurance company is not looking out for your best interest – they are looking out for theirs. The company is seeking to pay as little out in damages as possible and to settle as quickly as possible, despite what your injuries may be. According to insurance company statistics, when an injured victim hires an attorney, the value of the victim’s claim increases.