Where are the most common locations that pedestrian accidents occur at? | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Pedestrian accidents can occur in various locations, but some places are more prone to such accidents due to higher foot traffic, road design, and specific risk factors. Understanding these common locations where pedestrian accidents occur is crucial for both pedestrians and drivers to enhance safety and reduce the likelihood of accidents. Here are some of the most prevalent locations for pedestrian accidents:


Intersections are one of the most common locations for pedestrian accidents. These areas typically have heavy vehicular traffic, multiple lanes, and crosswalks, making them a frequent site of collisions between pedestrians and vehicles. Drivers may fail to yield the right-of-way to pedestrians in crosswalks or may make turns without checking for pedestrians. The most common locations where pedestrian accidents occur are the ones that you would think would be the safest, however, statistics show that isn’t the case. Marked crosswalks, crossing intersections controlled by stop lights and stop signs, and even on sidewalks are the most common locations of pedestrian accidents.


Crosswalks are designed to provide safe passage for pedestrians across roadways. However, they are also places where pedestrian accidents can occur, especially when drivers do not stop for pedestrians or when pedestrians do not use crosswalks as intended. It’s crucial for both drivers and pedestrians to be vigilant in and around crosswalks.

Sidewalks and Shoulder Areas

Pedestrian accidents can occur on sidewalks and shoulder areas, particularly in urban environments where pedestrians share space with cyclists and motorized scooters. Collisions may happen when cyclists or scooter riders fail to yield to pedestrians or when pedestrians inadvertently step into the path of these vehicles.

Parking Lots

Parking lots can be hazardous for pedestrians due to limited visibility, varying traffic patterns, and distracted drivers looking for parking spots. Drivers often back out of parking spaces without checking for pedestrians walking behind their vehicles. Additionally, pedestrians may be less cautious in parking lots, assuming that vehicles will yield to them.

Residential Areas

Residential areas, particularly those with low-speed limits, are places where pedestrians, including children, may be at risk. Drivers may not always adhere to speed limits in these areas, and children can be unpredictable when playing near the road. Residential areas are also more likely to lack sidewalks, forcing pedestrians to walk along the road.

Public Transportation Stops

Bus stops, train stations, and other public transportation hubs are frequent locations for pedestrian accidents. Passengers disembarking from buses and trains may not always be aware of oncoming traffic, and drivers may not exercise caution when approaching these stops.

Rural Roads

Pedestrian accidents can also occur on rural roads, where there may be limited infrastructure designed for pedestrians. In these areas, pedestrians may walk along the road due to the absence of sidewalks, putting them at risk, especially in low-light conditions.

Commercial Areas

Commercial areas with shopping centers, restaurants, and businesses often have high pedestrian traffic. These areas can become accident hotspots when drivers are distracted by signage, searching for storefronts, or rushing to find parking.

School Zones

School zones are vulnerable to pedestrian accidents, particularly during pick-up and drop-off times. Children may not always follow traffic rules, and drivers should exercise extra caution when driving in these areas.

Construction Zones

Construction zones on roads or sidewalks can pose risks to pedestrians. Uneven surfaces, temporary detours, and distracted construction workers can create dangerous conditions.