Documentation in a North Carolina Personal Injury Lawsuit | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

When a victim files a personal injury lawsuit against another party or parties in North Carolina for injuries that you have sustained in an accident, there are usually two parts to the legal action. The first part is determining who is legally liable for your injuries. In some cases, this can be fairly easy, such as in vehicle accidents, but in other cases, determining liability can be more complex.

The second part of a personal injury lawsuit – once liability has been established – is determining the financial value for the losses the victim has suffered. This part of the process can become even more complex depending on the circumstances of the accident and the extent of the victim’s injuries. It is during this phase that the documentation saved and gathered by the victim can be critical to the success of the lawsuit and help prove the amount of the losses in order to receive all of the financial compensation they are entitled to.

The following is a brief overview of the type of documents that victims should keep. For more detailed information, and to find out how we can help you if you have been injured in an accident, contact Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to speak with one of our North Carolina personal injury attorneys.

Medical Records

While there are many kinds of documentation that are important to a personal injury case, medical records are the most critical. These records are what provide the most complete information regarding the injuries a victim has sustained, the treatments that they received for the injury, and what the prognosis is for the victim’s recovery from the injuries.

Expenses the Victim Has Paid

In addition to medical expenses, victims may also be entitled to reimbursement for any out-of-pocket expenses they have incurred because of their injuries. Some examples of these types of expenses are the cost of travel – gas, tolls, parking, etc. – to and from medical appointments and reimbursement for any needed changes to the victim’s home, such as ramps or widened doorways if the victim’s injuries require the use of a wheelchair. Victims should save all receipts and any other documentation they receive for these types of expenses.

Lost Income

Many victims are unable to work while they recover. This can mean an extended period of time away from work or they can only work on a lighter schedule. Whatever the situation, victims should keep track of any weeks without pay and/or weeks with differences in pay because of limited hours of work. Records should not only include lost wages, but should also show the number of sick days and/or vacation days the victim was forced to use while recovering, as well as any other lost benefits, bonuses, etc.

Contact an NC Accident Attorney for More Information

Personal injury cases can be difficult to prove without the legal expertise of a North Carolina injury attorney. These cases can be complex and failure to provide sufficient evidence could result in a dismissal of the case by the court or a ruling in favor of the defendant (at-fault party). At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, our legal team will provide a free case evaluation to determine what legal options you may have and how to proceed. Call our office today to find out how we can help get you the financial compensation you deserve.