Impact of Brain Injuries on Victims | Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Even a minor brain injury can be a serious issue, leaving a victim dealing with all kinds of issues, including headaches, confusion, loss of coordination, and seizures. Many victims deal with some degree of impact on their life, even leaving some of them requiring round-the-clock medical care. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 153 people die from TBI injuries in the U.S. every day.

A victim who has suffered a brain injury in an accident caused by another party may be entitled to financial compensation under North Carolina injury laws. A Carolinas brain injury lawyer can help victims and their families recover the damages they deserve.

The Cost of Brain Injuries

Any type of injury to the brain can disrupt its normal functions, whether it is a minor injury or a more severe one. There are certain types of accidents, such as car accidents, that leave victims with more serious injuries and more of an intense impact on their lives.

According to national statistics, there are more than 10 million people who sustain a brain injury every year. It is estimated that brain injuries cost more than $60 billion each year for treatments, including emergency medical care, after-care, and rehabilitation services, and in-home care. Depending on the severity of the brain injury, the lifetime costs of a brain injury can cost more than $3 million for just one victim.

Generally, the cost of brain injuries for victims averages the following:

  • Minor brain injuries: The total cost of a minor brain injury can reach as high as $35,000 each year until the victim’s injury has healed.
  • Moderate brain injuries: The total cost of a moderate brain injury can reach as high as $70,000 per year until the victim’s injury has healed. The average hospital stay for a victim with a moderate brain injury is 55 days. This does not include the time following the stay that the victim is unable to work while they go through the rehabilitation process.

Some of the long-term effects that brain injury victims deal with include:

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Headaches
  • Issues with vision
  • Migraines
  • Seizures
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to noise

 Contact a Carolinas Injury Attorney

The recovery and rehabilitation for a traumatic brain injury is often a long one. In many cases, the victim is left with lifelong disabilities from the injury. The financial impact can be devastating, with high medical expenses and loss of income from being unable to work. The emotional impact can be even more devastating, with the pain and suffering a victim endures, along with the mental anguish and loss of the ability to do the activities and enjoy life the way they did before the injury.

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury because of another party’s negligence, contact a seasoned North Carolina brain injury attorney to discuss what legal options you and your family may have. Call Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp today to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation and find out how we can help get you the compensation you deserve.