Slip and Fall Accidents and North Carolina Personal Injury Lawsuits

Premises liability accidents causing personal injuries in North Carolina can happen anywhere. Whether the victim was at a business or on private property, if the accident happens because of negligence on the part of the owner, the victim can pursue damages. One of the most common types of premises liability accidents is slip and falls. The following is a brief overview of slip and fall cases. For more detailed information and assistance, contact the legal team at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to find out how we can help.

How Serious Are Slip and Fall Accidents

While television and comics portray a person falling as a humorous event, i.e. someone slipping on a banana peel, the reality is that many victims of slip and fall sustain serious injuries. A person who falls down a stairway because of a broken stair could suffer a brain injury or fractured bones. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 20 percent of falls result in these types of serious or severe injuries. Even slip and fall accidents that do not result in the victim needing to be hospitalized can still result in injuries that cause the victim to have medical expenses, loss of income from being unable to work, pain and suffering, and more.

Defining Negligence

Even though the owner of the property may not intentionally cause harm to the victim, if the incident could have been prevented, the owner may be deemed negligent for the accident and therefore liable for the losses the victim suffers because of their injuries. If the owner had the opportunity to address the hazard that caused the victim to fall, such as a loose handrail or burnt-out lighting in a common area, then North Carolina law says they are negligent. If the owner was aware of the issue, their minimum responsibility is to put up a warning to make visitors to the property aware. An example of this would be a wet floor sign in a retail establishment because of spill cleanup.

Have You Suffered a Slip and Fall?

Anyone who is involved in any type of slip or fall accident should see a doctor, even if they think their injuries are minor ones. It is not uncommon for symptoms to be delayed in these types of incidents. This is especially critical if the victim hit their head. They could have sustained a concussion, which could be serious and even fatal if not diagnosed and treated.

Contact a Carolina Injury Attorney

If you or a family member has been injured in a slip and fall accident, contact a seasoned North Carolina premises liability attorney to discuss what legal recourse you may have. Even if it is not entirely clear who is the at-fault party, a Carolinas injury attorney will be able to determine which party or parties are liable. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, our injury attorneys have successfully represented numerous accident victims and have the legal expertise to handle these complex cases with positive results. Call our office today for a free case evaluation.