When Personal Injuries Require Surgery

There are many different types of injuries a victim can sustain in an accident. Medical treatment for these injuries can vary greatly. Some injuries only require a doctor’s visit and rest, while others require transfer to the emergency room, surgery, hospitalization, and rehabilitation. In some cases, an injury can be so severe it requires multiple surgeries to help repair the damage. If you have been seriously injured in an accident, a Virginia injury attorney can determine what type of financial compensation you may be entitled to.

Types of Injuries That May Require Surgery

Some of the more common injuries sustained in accidents that may require surgery include:

  • Burns: Serious burns can require skin grafts and other painful surgical procedures to remove and replace damaged skin. Infections are particularly common in burn victims, especially following surgery.
  • Compound fractures: Some fractures simply require immobilization to heal, however, multiple or compound fractures often need surgery to set the bone, insert pins, and more. If a bone is completely shattered or crushed, an amputation may be necessary if the bone is not repairable.
  • Soft tissue tears: Tearing tendons, ligaments, or muscles can require a surgeon to go in and repair the damage. In some cases, the surgeon might need to replace the damaged tissues. Surgeries can require extensive recovery time, limiting the victim’s ability to work or perform daily activities since they need to rest the area of the body that was injured so it can heal properly.
  • Spinal cord injury: Spinal surgery may be needed to realign the spine, stabilize the injury section of the spinal cord, remove any disk or bone fragments, fuse parts of the spine, relieve pressure from the injury, or insert devices to help the spine heal correctly.
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI): Though surgery is not always needed for a brain injury, it may be necessary to control intracranial pressure from bleeding or swelling, remove blood clots, repair skull fractures, and more.

Recovery Can Be Extensive

Surgery is a serious event that can take a dramatic toll on your body. Even without any unexpected complications, any surgical patient should expect some or all of the following after surgery:

  • Time spent in the hospital following the surgery to monitor the victim’s condition
  • Pain, soreness, and/or swelling
  • The need for medication and medical supplies upon returning home
  • Time from work, exercise, and other daily activities while the victim recovers
  • Rehabilitation and/or physical therapy
  • Follow-up appointments

In addition to the injury, there are also additional risks of complications from being put under anesthesia and cut open. These complications can be life-threatening and may significantly extend recovery time. Some of these complications may include blood clots, internal bleeding, reactions to anesthesia, infections, or other injuries. Victims may be at particular risks for complications if they already have certain medical conditions prior to the procedure.

Reach Out to Us Today for Help

If you are a victim of an accident caused by another party or parties, contact our dedicated North Carolina personal injury attorneys and request a free and confidential consultation to discuss how we can help you get the compensation you need to recover.  Personal injury cases can be difficult to prove without the legal expertise of a personal injury attorney. These cases can be complex and failure to provide sufficient evidence could result in a dismissal of the case by the court or a ruling in favor of the at-fault party. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, we are here to help when personal injuries impact you or your loved ones. Call our office today.