Best Guide to Car Accident Injuries in Virginia

Before you talk to the insurance adjuster or call another lawyer, take a moment to read this in-depth guide

In this guide, our lawyers explain what you need to know in order to avoid the mistakes many car accident injury victims frequently make when dealing with insurance adjusters. For example, you are not required to give a recorded statement immediately after the accident (do not be surprised if an adjuster calls you surprisingly soon after the wreck).

Another common trick is for the adjuster to present themselves as your friend and “on your side.” Do not fall for this – the insurance adjuster is not your friend. They have one goal in mind – reduce or outright deny your claim.

This guide features information on how insurance claims are valued; insurance company negotiation tactics, how to avoid common mistakes, and steps to finding a qualified personal injury attorney…

You will also learn…

  1. What Damages You Can Claim
  2. How Much Your Claim is Worth?
  3. How and Why Most Claims Settle
  4. How You Can Use Your Health Insurance to Help Cover Some Expenses
  5. How Passenger Injury Cases are Different
  6. Lawyer Duties to Client

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