Case Results
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$825,000 Settlement for Train Conductor Who Suffered Disabling Back Injury in Fall From Unsafe Rail Car Ladder

What Happened Our Virginia railroad injury client was working as a train conductor when he fell while boarding a rail car and suffered a disabling back injury. Extensive surgical repairs and physical therapy did not allow him to return to his well-paid career. The work-related fall happened when the conductor grabbed a ladder handhold and…

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$150,000 Jury Verdict Following Hit-and-Run Rear-Ender in Norfolk, VA

What Happened Our Virginia car accident injury client experienced a debilitating exacerbation of a preexisting nerve condition when a hit-and-run driver rear-ended his jeep on the interstate in Norfolk, VA. The rear-end collision occurred with such force that our client’s vehicle spun several times and traveled from the center lane to the shoulder of the…

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