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$400,000 Settlement for Railroad Worker Who Suffered Back Injury

RESULTS:  $400,000 (confidential terms) COURT:  Court location confidential DATE: Fall, 2022 ATTORNEYS:  Richard N. Shapiro STAFF:  Paula S.   WHAT HAPPENED: Our client was a 57-year-old railroad worker who was a foreman at a railroad yard. There was a particular piece of equipment (confidential) that was not working correctly and which had been written up…

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$190,000 For Railroad Worker With Neck Injury From Derailment

What Happened Our railroad injury client was moving a train when several cars derailed. The shockwave knocked him off balance, and he struck his head and shoulder on the metal corner of a panel. While the train crew member did not report any disabling pain immediately following the derailment, he did apparently lose consciousness. His…

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