Electric Shock Injury Attorneys

When people think of an electric shock injury, their first thought is of the sting or buzz they feel immediately when they come into contact with an uninsulated live wire or switched-on light socket without a bulb. A true electric shock injury, however, often causes external and internal burns and delivers a much greater wallop — even throwing a person several feet through the air. It can also have potentially life-altering effects for the victim.

When a person is electrocuted, the aftereffects can include cardiovascular problems, nerve damage, paralysis, and brain damage. And that is only if the person is fortunate enough to survive the electrocution.

Electric shock injuries can happen basically anywhere. This includes your workplace or at home when using electrical equipment. It is not uncommon for a pedestrian who is enjoying a stroll, or a driver, to suffer an electric shock injury due to a fallen power line. In many cases, electrocution injuries occur in construction settings or while someone is doing work on trees or cable lines.

Speak to a Lawyer Right Away

If you or a loved one has suffered an electric shock injury after coming in contact with a power line, consult with an electric shock injury lawyer. In these types of cases, damages can be pursued against the utility company due to its negligence.

The attorneys with our personal injury and wrongful death law firm understand the challenges associated with electric shock personal injury lawsuits. We represented an airline pilot who suffered a serious electric shock injury while staying at a hotel. The injury was caused by a malfunctioning overhead light fixture in the shower. The aftereffects of the electrocution that our client suffered included blurry vision, fatigue, loss of coordination, and an inability to continue in his chosen profession as a pilot. The electrical shock injury lawsuit was filed on behalf of the pilot, and the case was eventually settled for $1.5 million.

Currently, our law firm is handling two very serious electric shock injury cases, both arising in Virginia. In one case, a crane operator moved his crane cable too close to the end of an overhead power line carrying 19,000 volts of electricity. Our client grabbed the ball — called the headache ball — at the bottom of the crane cable without realizing it was electrified, and the major electric shock nearly killed our client. He was lucky to survive, but he has lost much use of two of his limbs.

We are also currently working with rehabilitation doctors, lifecare specialists, electrical engineers, and crane experts to develop the evidence for another client. In a second major electric shock case, our client was an active-duty member of the military who was severely shocked because of a short in an electrical circuit. Our client was a victim who was totally unaware that the metal cables he was near had any electricity running through them. Because of the electrocution, he suffers from major neurological problems in his shoulders and arms. In this case, we are in the beginning phases of investigating the circumstances while our client undergoes medical rehabilitation and therapy.

Having experience in handling electrical shock cases is important and helps us do the best job possible for our clients. Contact our office today to schedule a free case review.