Mesothelioma is a horrific, incurable form of cancer that develops after being exposed to asbestos. You don’t even have to be exposed for very long. Infrequent, intermittent exposure can still result in a mesothelioma diagnosis. Unfortunately, many railroad workers who devoted their lives to big railroads like Norfolk Souther, CSX, BNSF Railway, Conrail, etc. were exposed to asbestos on a daily basis. As a result, numerous workers are now going to their doctors and receiving the gut-wrenching news that they have mesothelioma.
This guide is meant as an informational resource for railroad workers and their loved ones. It discusses what exactly mesothelioma is, how it develops, when the railroads knew about the dangers of asbestos exposure, and so forth. The guide also explores your legal rights under a special law known as the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (“FELA”). This law allows railroad workers struggling with mesothelioma to take legal action against their employer.
Our railroad worker law firm has handled dozens of mesothelioma FELA cases. In fact, our firm was founded in 1985 by an injured railroad worker who decided to go to law school. We know the FELA inside and out and are fully aware of the tricks railroad defense lawyers use to try and avoid liability.
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