The truth is that both serious and minor traffic accidents can result in injuries to those involved. Although a lot of people correlate heavy vehicle damage to catastrophic injuries, that is not always the case. The amount of damage to the vehicles is in no way indicative of the injuries endured by its occupants. It is possible to sustain any type of injury, including whiplash, in a minor car accident with little to no vehicle damage.  

Can I be compensated for my injuries after a minor traffic accident?

If you experience ringing in your ears, shoulder pain, or neck pain following a traffic accident, even a small one, you might have whiplash. Contact the North Carolina personal injury lawyers at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp for a free case review and find out whether or not you are eligible for financial compensation.

How Does a Minor Car Accident Cause Whiplash?

Whiplash is characterized by the Mayo Clinic as an injury to the neck that is the result of the rapid and violent back-and-forth movement of the neck that involves hyperextension and hyperflexion. It affects the soft tissue that surrounds the cervical spine. Whiplash injuries occur most frequently in fender benders and rear-end crashes. Sudden braking can also cause whiplash due to the pressure it places on the neck. 

What Are Some Signs of Whiplash?

The symptoms of whiplash can vary in their nature and severity but they typically include neck stiffness and pain, and persistent headaches. Whiplash victims might also experience stabbing pain when they try to move their neck, fatigue, shoulder pain, loss of range of motion in the neck and/or shoulders, and vertigo. Tingling and numbness in the shoulders, arms, and neck are also common among whiplash victims.

Some uncommon but no less serious symptoms include blurred vision, memory problems, inability to fall or stay asleep, difficulty concentrating, and tinnitus. Whiplash victims could also experience irritability, anger, anxiety, and depression.

When Should I See a Doctor if I Suspect I Have Whiplash?

You should seek prompt medical care at the first sign of neck or shoulder pain, or as soon as you become aware of any other whiplash symptoms. Since the symptoms of whiplash are not usually immediately obvious, it could be a few days before victims realize they need medical attention, so it is important to see a doctor as soon as any symptoms appear. Only a doctor can rule out other injuries that, if left untreated, could exacerbate your whiplash injuries.  

Immediate medical care is also essential in ensuring that your whiplash and other injuries are attributed to your traffic accident via official documentation. 

Can a Minor Accident Cause Whiplash?

Yes, even accidents that take place at very low speeds are capable of producing whiplash injuries. Even collisions that occur at speeds under 15 miles per hour can cause whiplash. Anytime a driver is forced to stop short, it could cause their neck to jerk back and forth, leading to a whiplash injury. 

Insurance carriers are quite keen on disregarding minor or low-speed collisions and passing them off as negligible, but they can also be life-changing. 

Can Whiplash Result in a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Yes, whiplash can be grounds for a personal injury suit after a traffic accident. One mistake you should avoid is trying to handle the claim on your own rather than consulting with a North Carolina whiplash injury attorney. When another person’s negligence causes your whiplash injury, you are entitled to pursue financial compensation via a lawsuit or personal injury claim.  

Reach Out to a North Carolina Car Accident Lawyer

If you would like to find out if you are eligible for compensation for whiplash or another accident-related injury, our attorneys can help. Schedule a complimentary case evaluation with the North Carolina motor vehicle accident lawyers at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp. We can be reached at (833) 997-1774 or through our website. 

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