trans-vaginal mesh injury lawyerAs the statute of limitations approaches in many states, lawsuits against numerous medical corporations continue to mount regarding hazardous “transvaginal meshes,” a device used to treat pelvic organ prolapse in women. The product was the subject of an FDA warning in 2008 which was subsequently updated in 2011, which alerted consumers to “serious complications” regarding the mesh. 


The lawsuits focus on the fact that the meshes, which the FDA stated “may expose patients to greater risk” than non-mesh procedures, have been shown to erode in numerous patients after about twelve months; there are additional side effects and complications of the mesh procedure, as well, including infection, urinary problems, and bleeding. These resultant problems have resulted in more than 6,000 lawsuits being filed against Boston Scientific Court; the total number of lawsuits filed against all the medical companies (C.R. Bard Inc., American Medical Systems Inc., Ethicon Inc., Coloplast Corp. and Cook Medical Inc.) has reached 16,000. While different states have different statutes of limitations regarding such lawsuits, the limit in many is two years, a date which is approaching in a number of these states. 


If you’ve been injured by a defective or dangerous medical product, you should consider speaking to a personal injury lawyer as soon as possible; an injury attorney will be able to fight on your behalf for the compensation to which you are legally entitled due to your injuries. Our injury law firm has years of experience working on behalf of victims of doctor and medical corporation negligence; in fact, our attorneys have authored a detailed and helpful guide explaining the specifics of medical malpractice, the legal process concerning malpractice lawsuits, and other helpful information; you can click here to download it for free.  You can also follow this link to read about a case we argued for the victim of a left-behind sponge medical malpractice incident; our attorneys helped secure a $425,000 settlement for the victim.