In a perfect world, all police officers would retire or leave the force on their own terms. But as we all know, it’s not a perfect world. On December, 20, 2011, the Chesapeake, Virginia (VA), Police Department lost a brave officer, Timothy Schock, during routine water search-and-rescue dive training.

Members of the Chesapeake police dive team were conducting exercises in the lake at Oak Grove Park, and Schock was under water when he suddenlly had difficulty breathing. His air tank may have malfunctioned, but the final report has yet to be written. Schock was rushed to a hospital, but doctors were unable to revive him. 
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Because one of our injury law firm’s research assistants is a former Chesapeake police officer who knew Schock personally, we all send our condolences to his family and friends. He was a good cop and a great man. His death is a loss to the whole community.

We know that even though the officer was killed in the line of duty and while at work, his family may still be able to bring a lawsuit against the company that made the scuba gear if it can be proven that his death was caused by faulty or defective equipment or if the equipment became defective and dangerous because of something the product manufacturer, distributor or seller did to it.

We know his family is grieving right now but we do provide a free guide on Virginia (VA) wrongful death to make sure wrongful death victims receive all the benefits that they deserve.