Legal Help for North Carolina Brain Injury Victims

According to national statistics, more than 175 people die from brain-trauma-related injuries each day. That’s almost 65,000 people each year. One year-long study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) concluded that almost three million people in this country had suffered a brain injury.

The medical definition of a traumatic brain injury is any injury to the head which disrupts or interferes with the victim’s normal brain function. Many of these types of injuries are sustained in accidents that were caused by another party’s negligence or recklessness. If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury in an accident, contact a brain injury attorney to find out how they can help you recover financial compensation for any losses your injuries have caused.

For many victims, an injury results in permanent life changes. Many suffer from memory loss, chronic headaches, and permanent brain damage. Some of the most common causes of brain injuries include the following:

Slip and Fall Accidents

Although many people tend to think of the injuries suffered from slip and fall accidents as back injuries, broken bones, or sprains, these accidents are the number one causes of brain injuries. When a person falls, their head smashing against the ground or floor can cause serious to severe injury to the brain.

When a victim suffers a slip and fall injury at a business or location owned by someone else, such as an apartment complex, they may be able to pursue damages for their injuries if the fall was the result of negligence on the part of the property owner. A brain injury attorney can evaluate your case to determine if you have a valid premises liability case.

Vehicle Accidents

With millions of people injured in vehicle accidents each year, it is no surprise that some of the most severe injuries involve brain injuries. When the impact of the crash occurred, many brain injury victims had their heads slammed into the steering wheel or sides of the vehicle. Brain injury can also occur if loose objects inside the vehicle are flung around or during a rear-end crash when the victim’s head is flung back and forth.

If you have been involved in a car crash, even a minor one, you should seek medical attention to determine if you have been injured. It can sometimes take hours or even days for symptoms of some injuries to appear. That delay can not only affect your health, but it can also have a negative impact on any car accident injury claim or lawsuit you may file.

Dangers of Brain Injuries

Every brain injury has the potential to turn into a serious and debilitating condition. Even symptoms of a minor concussion, such as blurred vision or headaches, can suddenly and without warning escalate into catastrophic symptoms later on if they are not addressed right away. Even after you have been treated by a medical professional, there are still symptoms to watch out for that would indicate your brain injury is worsening.

Contact a North Carolina Injury Attorney Today

A brain injury is often a long-term or permanent injury requiring rehabilitative care. The financial costs of caring for a brain injury victim through the course of their life can be overwhelming and carry heavy financial burdens. A North Carolina brain injury attorney can pursue financial damages against the at-fault driver that will assist your family in providing the care your loved one needs, including future medical care, loss of income, pain, mental anguish, and permanent disability.

Contact the legal team at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp today to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation to find out how we can help.