Traumatic Brain Injuries and Virginia Personal Injury Claims

When you suffer any type of accident, it is important to get medical attention right away to protect against potentially serious personal injuries. Some of the most serious injuries have symptoms that take days or even weeks to appear and delaying treatment could result in dangerous complications. Traumatic brain injuries fall under this category and can occur as the result of any type of bump, blow, or jolt to the head. The following outlines the common types of brain injuries which can occur, as well as symptoms you need to be aware of.

Symptoms of Traumatic Brain Injuries

Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can occur as the result of car, bike, or pedestrian accidents, due to a slip or fall, or as the result of being struck by or against an object. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), TBI is one of the most common types of personal injury, and one of the leading causes of death and disability in the U.S. Roughly three million people suffer head and brain injuries each year, with effects that range from mild to severe.

TBI disrupts the normal activity of the brain, and even a minor bump or bruise to the head has the potential to result in permanent impairments. Symptoms to be aware of in the aftermath of an accident include:

  • Loss of consciousness
  • Dizziness and trouble keeping balance
  • Slurred speech
  • Problems remembering the accident
  • Vision difficulties and pupils dilated to uneven sizes
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Being excessively tired and having trouble staying awake
  • Sensitivity to noise and light

In the weeks and months after a brain injury occurs, there may be personality changes that are either mild or dramatic. These include depression, wanting to isolate, and increased agitation. The person may have difficulty remembering or comprehending what was said and may fly into fits of rage.

Common Types of Head and Brain Injuries

Depending on the type of brain injury suffered, treatment may involve the use of medications, such as anticonvulsants, or may require surgery to repair damaged areas and relieve pressure from swelling. Physical, speech, and occupational therapy may also be required as victims recover from their injuries. The five common types of brain injuries that can occur in personal injury accidents:

  • Hematoma, or clotting in the blood vessels surrounding the brain
  • Hemorrhage, or uncontrolled bleeding in the brain
  • Concussion, which occur when the brain bounces against the walls of the skull
  • Skull fracture, which involves broken bones, which can penetrate brain tissue
  • Edema, or swelling of the brain

Any of these injuries have the potential to be fatal, so again, seek medical care immediately if a head or brain injury is suspected.

Contact a Va. Brain Injury Attorney Today

A brain injury is often a long-term or permanent injury requiring rehabilitative care. The financial costs of caring for a brain injury victim through the course of their life can be overwhelming and carry heavy financial burdens. A Virginia brain injury attorney can pursue financial damages against the at-fault driver that will assist your family in providing the care your loved one needs, including future medical care, loss of income, pain, mental anguish, and permanent disability.

Contact the legal team at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp today to schedule a free and confidential case evaluation to find out how we can help.