May Is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Each year, May is recognized as Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month. As the warmer weather begins to arrive and motorcycle enthusiasts bring their bikes out of winter storage, the annual safety initiative serves as a good reminder to all to practice safe driving habits in order to avoid motorcycle accidents that can cause serious personal injuries and deaths.

National statistics reveal that there are more than 4,000 people killed in motorcycle accidents each year in this country and, even more alarming, that number increases each year. Far too often, the injuries that victims sustain are so catastrophic, that they are unable to survive. For those victims who do survive, they are often left with debilitating and permanent disabilities that forever change both their lives and the lives of their families.

Negligence Is a Common Cause of Motorcycle Accidents

There have been numerous studies conducted to find out what are the most common causes of motorcycle crashes. Data for these studies come from several different sources, including:

  • Data on the type of injuries motorcycle accident victims sustain
  • Inspections of the vehicles involved in motorcycle crashes
  • Interviews with motorcycle accident victims, both drivers and passengers
  • Interviews with motorcycle accident witnesses
  • Motorcycle crash investigations
  • Motorcycle helmet reconstructions for determining where the impact occurred
  • Police reports from motorcycle crashes

Many people believe that the majority of motorcycle accidents are caused by motorcyclists. This is because of misconceptions that anyone who rides a motorcycle must be reckless or a risk-taker because of the dangers associated with riding. However, when looking at the results of all these studies, researchers have concluded that there are many crashes where the other vehicle driver was the at-fault party. In fact, in more than half of motorcycle crashes that occur, it is mistakes made by the other vehicle driver which caused the accident.

When a motorcycle accident occurs, one of the following elements is commonly present:

  • Drugged or drunk driving
  • Distracted driving
  • Another driver’s failure to properly yield
  • Poor road maintenance
  • Reckless driving
  • Acts of aggression by other motorcyclists

Compensation for Motorcycle Accident Victims

The injuries suffered by a motorcyclist in an accident are often severe because of the inherently exposed nature of a motorcycle rider. When an accident occurs at even a moderate speed, contact with the road or another vehicle inflicts a terrible toll on the body. Broken bones, concussions, burns, spinal damage, and even death are among the stark possibilities.

It is these injuries and the other harms suffered, including lost income due to missed work (whether on a temporary or permanent basis) that constitute the damages sought in a motorcycle accident personal injury lawsuit. Some of the more common damages pursued in a lawsuit include the following:

  • All present and future medical bills. This included emergency care, hospitalizations, surgeries, doctor’s visits, physical and occupational therapy, medications, medical equipment, and transportation to get to and from medical treatments.
  • Lost wages and benefits. If the victim is unable to return to their former occupation or unable to work at all because of their injury, they are also able to pursue loss of future income and benefits, as well.
  • Pain and suffering
  • Emotional trauma
  • Permanent disability
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Loss of life enjoyment

Contact a Dedicated Virginia Accident Attorney

If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident, you may be facing high medical bills and other financial difficulties. Our Virginia motorcycle accident lawyers understand how overwhelming these cases can be. The legal team at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp has successfully advocated for many motorcycle accident clients in getting victims the financial compensation they deserve. Call our office today to schedule a free consultation. We also offer a free motorcycle injury guide which offers information that you may find helpful.