Articles Archive - Page 11 of 306 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
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Guide to Virginia Personal Injury Law

Attorney Rick Shapiro has put together a comprehensive summary of Virginia tort law. He put this summary together as part of a major seminar for the Virginia State Bar where Rick presented to fellow Virginia attorneys about personal injury law. Read the Summary Here The summary of Virginia tort/personal injury law answers important questions like:…

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Virginia Car Accidents and Facial Injuries

There are many different types of injuries victims can suffer in a car accident, however, some types are more common than others. Studies and statistics have concluded that more than fifty percent of all car accident victims suffer some type of facial injury. At Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp, our Virginia car accident attorneys have represented…

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Common Car Accident Injuries: Fractured Bones

One of the most common injuries sustained in car accidents is broken or fractured bones. Although many people believe a broken bone is different from a fractured bone, they actually mean the same thing. Fractured is just the medical term that is used. Types of Fractures There are three different types of fractures a car…

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Impact of Back and Neck Injuries on Victims’ Lives

Anyone who has suffered an injury to the back or neck can attest to how painful the injury can be. Even a seemingly minor injury can have a serious impact on a victim’s quality of life while they recover, including surgery, chronic pain, physical therapy, and loss of motor function. In severe cases, a victim…

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