2011 - Page 18 of 319 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp

Continuing Medical Education Is Disciplinary Tool for Doctor Errors

State licensing boards, hospitals and medical groups are assigning continuing medical education courses to prevent doctor misconduct that can lead to medical malpractice claims or license discipline. According to amednews.com, CME courses help doctors learn from errors such as prescribing medications to friends and family members who are not patients. Other CME courses address physician-patient communication,…

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Norfolk, VA Personal Injury Attorney Reports: $800,000 Settlement Reached Over Wrongful Death of Psychiatric Patient

Virginia Lawyers Weekly reports that an $800,000 settlement was obtained against a psychiatric hospital in a wrongful death lawsuit after one of its patients committed suicide.  As summarized in the magazine, the patient had been voluntarily admitted to the hospital because he was experiencing an overwhelming sense of dread and hearing voices telling him to hurt himself….

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Elderly NC Woman Crashes Into DMV Office, Causing Personal Injuries and Property Damage

In mid-November 2011, an elderly woman crashed her car into a Fayetteville, North Carolina (NC), DMV office shortly after completing her driving test. According to FOX 8, the 77-year-old drver accidentally stepped on the gas and smashed her 2008 Acura into the front of the building. Four individuals needed hospital treatment for their injuries, and the…

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