How is Fault Determined in a North Carolina Rear-End Accident?

Before you can collect compensation for the injuries you sustained in an auto accident, you will have to show that the other driver was to blame for the crash. Proving fault in a car accident, particularly a rear-end accident, can be complicated. If you were injured in a North Carolina rear-end accident, the North Carolina personal injury lawyers at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp will help you prepare a claim and collect evidence that shows the other driver was responsible. Call us today to schedule a free consultation.

North Carolina Rear-End Accident Statistics

There are some surprising statistics on rear-end crashes in North Carolina and throughout the United States:

  • In 2020, the North Carolina Department of Transportation Crash Facts Report showed that the state witnessed over 105,000 injuries and more than 1,600 fatalities caused by traffic accidents.
  • In that same year, NCDOT also reported that there were more than 3,800 accidents across the state caused by a driver following a vehicle in front of them too closely. One of these crashes resulted in a fatality, and over 1,000 left at least one person with significant injuries. 
  • According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, in 2019, rear-end crashes comprised almost 33% of all accidents nationwide. In terms of collisions involving at least one death, they discovered that rear-end accidents made up just over 7% of all fatal car accidents in that same year. 

Why Do North Carolina Rear-End Accidents Happen?

wrongful death

The four most common causes of North Carolina rear-end accidents are:

  • Following too closely (tailgating): Drivers who follow a car in front of them too closely have less room and time to brake and avoid a collision if the lead vehicle should stop or slow down unexpectedly. 
  • Distracted driving: Drivers who are texting, talking on the phone, playing with in-vehicle controls, or eating often fail to notice their surroundings, like a car in front of them coming to a stop, making rear-end collisions much more likely.
  • Driver fatigue: Drivers who are sleep deprived have delayed reaction times, slower reflexes, and a greater chance of falling asleep at the wheel. 
  • Drunk driving: Drivers under the influence of alcohol or drugs have compromised depth perception, slow reaction times, and impaired judgment. An intoxicated driver might not realize that the car ahead of them is stopped and crash into the stationary vehicle. 

What Are the Most Common Rear-End Crash Injuries?

Although any type of injury can be caused by a rear-end accident, some of the most common include:

  • Broken or fractured bones
  • Soft tissue damage involving tendons, ligaments, and muscles
  • Damage to internal organs, such as ruptures and perforations
  • Internal bleeding
  • Neck injuries, such as whiplash
  • Back injuries or spinal cord damage
  • Traumatic brain injuries
  • Psychological trauma

Who is Liable in a Rear-End Collision?

As a general rule, drivers are required to leave enough room between their vehicle and the vehicle in front of them to safely come to a stop. This means that, in a majority of collisions, the driver of the rear vehicle shoulders the liability for a rear-end accident for following too closely.

If, however, the driver in front is behaving dangerously, recklessly, or unlawfully, then the rear driver might not be responsible for the crash.

Some scenarios where other drivers might be held accountable for a rear-end accident include:

  • Multi-vehicle collisions where one vehicle is struck from behind and pushed into the back of another vehicle (chain-reaction accidents)
  • Accidents caused by a driver backing into a car behind them
  • Accidents that occurred because the lead vehicle had no working brake lights  
  • Accidents caused by a faulty part in the lead vehicle

Our lawyers can thoroughly examine the facts of your North Carolina rear-end accident and determine whether or not you have a legitimate personal injury claim. If you were injured in a rear-end crash and need help pursuing justice and fair financial compensation, the best decision you can make is to talk to a skilled North Carolina car accident lawyer from Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp by calling (833) 997-1774. We can give you the guidance you need to see a successful outcome to your personal injury claim.  

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