One of the most catastrophic injuries an accident victim can sustain is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). Although there are many different types of incidents that can result in a TBI, one of the most common is vehicle accidents. When an accident victim losses consciousness or has an obvious wound or injury to their head or neck, this is a significant sign that the victim has suffered some type of brain injury. Although not considered a severe injury, a concussion falls under the category of a TBI.
When a victim suffers a concussion, although there is a loss of normal brain function caused by the brain slamming around inside the skull upon impact, the signs of an injury are not always recognized right away. It can take hours or even days following the accident to realize something is wrong. This is why accident victims should always seek out medical attention right away, even if they believe they haven’t been injured.
Measuring the Severity of a Brain Injury
When an accident victim has suffered a TBI, medical professionals measure the severity of that injury using the Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS). The GCS measures sign, verbal response, and motor response and assigns points to each category:
- Severe brain injury – GCS of 8 or less
- Moderate brain injury – GCS of 9-12
- Mild brain injury – GCS of 13-15
Mild May Not Mean Mild
Although concussions typically fall under the mild brain injury category under the GCS, many concussion victims can suffer long-term or permanent neurological symptoms. Even more frustrating is that diagnostic tests may not show evidence of damages, despite the symptoms the victim suffers with.
Physical symptoms of concussions include:
- Blurred vision
- Dizziness and/or loss of balance
- Headache
- Nausea and/or vomiting
- Sensitivity to light and/or noise
- Ringing in the ears (tinnitus)
Emotional or behavioral symptoms of concussions include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Impaired awareness
- Impulsivity
- Irritability
- Lack of initiation or drive
Cognitive symptoms of concussions include:
- Difficulty filtering out noise
- Difficulty finding words
- Difficulty keeping up with conversations
- Difficulty paying attention
- Difficulty with memory
- Feel like they are “in a fog”
A person suffering from a concussion may also have sleep issues, including feeling drowsy, excessive sleep, difficulty falling asleep, and feeling drained when they wake up instead of feeling refreshed.
Contact a Virginia Personal Injury Law Firm for Help
A brain injury is often a long-term or permanent injury requiring rehabilitative care. The financial costs of caring for a brain injury victim through the course of their life can be overwhelming and carry heavy financial burdens.
If you or a loved one has suffered a head injury due to the negligence of another person, you may be entitled to financial compensation for the pain and losses that were a result of that injury. Our Virginia brain injury attorneys have successfully advocated for many clients who suffered brain injuries in obtaining the financial compensation they deserved for their injuries, including a record-setting mild brain injury verdict for $60 million, which was settled while on appeal.
Call Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to schedule a free and confidential consultation. Our firm also provides a free traumatic brain injury guide that provides important information about Virginia’s brain injury law and other legal questions regarding pursuing an injury claim.
- The Devastating Effects of a Brain Injury
- What Causes a Traumatic Brain Injury?
- The Most Common Causes of Brain Injuries