When a person is injured or killed by injuries that were caused by another party’s negligent or reckless actions or behavior, Virginia law allows that victim – or their family if they die from their injuries – to pursue damages against the at-fault party. This is done under the umbrella of personal injury statutes.

A personal injury lawsuit not only is a way for the victim to obtain financial compensation from the at-fault party, but it can also sometimes be the only way to hold them legally accountable for the injury they have caused with their actions.

Important Factors Regarding Personal Injury Lawsuits

Personal injury lawsuits and accident claims can be confusing if you are not familiar with how the civil court legal system works. There are specific rules and deadlines you must follow, and if you fail to follow them, you could lose your opportunity to obtain financial justice for your losses.

For example, any victim or family who is considering filing a personal injury lawsuit should speak with a Virginia accident attorney right away, even if you are not sure about what steps you should pursue. In Virginia, victims only have two years to file their claim before the statute of limitations runs out. Once that time has expired, you will no longer be able to file any type of claim.

Another reason why victims should act quickly in contacting a Virginia accident attorney is that critical evidence could be lost or stolen – either intentionally or unintentionally – right after the accident occurs. However, if you have an attorney working with you, they can send the at-fault party what is referred to as an “anti-spoliation” letter. This letter notifies that party they are prohibited from losing or destroying any evidence that may be relevant to the lawsuit.

One other factor that many people do not realize is that the majority of personal injury lawsuits never go to trial. They usually are resolved through negotiations and settlement offers before the trial date is even set. This is why it is crucial to retain the services of a seasoned Virginia personal injury lawyer who has extensive experience at negotiating.

Many victims worry that they will not be able to afford to hire an attorney, however, most personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis. This means their legal fees are not paid unless and until the victim receives a settlement or a jury award. Victims never have to pay a fee upfront.

Speak to a Virginia Accident Attorney

All accidents have the potential to permanently change the trajectory of a person’s life. If you suffered injuries in an accident caused by another party, talk to a Virginia personal injury attorney from Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp to find out all your legal options.

Accident injuries should not be ignored, and you deserve compensation for your suffering. Our firm has more than three decades of experience successfully advocating for injured victims and their families and will work diligently to get you the financial compensation you deserve. Call our office today to schedule a free and confidential consultation. We can evaluate your case and determine what type of compensation you may be entitled to.