Seeking Compensation for Emotional Pain After a Car Accident

The screeching of tires, the crushing of metal, the moment of impact—car accidents can leave more than just physical scars. For many, the psychological trauma of a collision can linger for months or even years in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder or anxiety. If you’re suffering from PTSD, anxiety, or emotional distress after an auto accident, you may be entitled to compensation. But how do you go about filing a North Carolina personal injury claim and recovering damages? In this guide, we’ll break down how you can sue for PTSD or anxiety after an automobile accident.

Understanding PTSD and Anxiety

Post-traumatic stress disorder, commonly referred to as PTSD, is a mental health condition that often develops after experiencing or witnessing a traumatic event. People with PTSD may have difficulty sleeping or concentrating and intrusive negative thoughts or feelings. PTSD can also affect normal functioning and lead to problems in social and work relationships. Post-traumatic stress can cause depression and suicidal thoughts and lead to problems in social and work relationships.  In many states, to recover from PTSD consequences, there should be documented medical records outlining the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder. That is, there should be symptoms recited, and potentially, there should be medications prescribed.

Anxiety disorders are characterized by excessive fear or worry that is difficult to control and can lead to physical symptoms like shortness of breath and rapid heartbeat. Severe anxiety disorders can cause:

  • Social anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Obsessive-compulsive disorders
  • It can interfere with daily activities and an individual’s quality of life

Many people don’t realize that car accidents can have a significant impact on one’s mental health long after the physical injuries have healed. Traumatic accidents can leave one feeling powerless. They might even keep reliving the accident in their mind and feel anxious or terrified every time they’re behind the wheel or riding in a car.

Proving PTSD and Anxiety Trauma After An Automobile Accident

Proving emotional trauma is often difficult to prove, unlike physical harm. If you plan on pursuing a personal injury claim for PTSD and anxiety after a serious car accident, you’ll need to obtain an official diagnosis from a mental health professional.  Your medical records and the doctor’s notes should link the timeline showing your symptoms began just after the crash. Relying on testimony from family and friends about changes they observed in your mood, behavior, and personality after the accident helps, too.

With evidence in hand, calculate all monetary losses related to your mental anguish. Document medical expenses like therapy and medication and lost income from missing work. Factor in projected costs for future treatment, too. Determine exactly how your emotional distress has negatively impacted your quality of life. Has it strained personal relationships or kept you from enjoying hobbies? These intangible losses matter when determining a settlement amount.

Get Help From A Skilled Attorney  To Sue For PTSD or Anxiety

It’s important to consult a skilled North Carolina car accident attorney if you were involved in a severe automobile accident due to another party’s negligence that led to you developing  PTSD or an anxiety disorder.  Our personal injury attorneys can help you accurately value pain and suffering damages, which are harder to quantify.

Settlement amounts for psychological trauma from car wrecks vary widely based on the circumstances. The attorneys here at Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp successfully secured a $235,000 settlement on behalf of a nurse who got into a severe car accident just two weeks before her wedding and was left with physical injuries, including facial scarring that caused her tremendous emotional pain.

While money can’t erase emotional scars, when you sue for PTSD or anxiety, you can obtain compensation that allows you to access treatment to reclaim your mental health after a traumatic wreck. With strong evidence and legal representation, you can recover damages for the very real psychological impacts of car accidents. Don’t hesitate to seek the compensation you deserve and take back control of your emotional well-being.

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