What Happened

Our Virginia car accident injury client was riding in an SUV on Plainfield Ave. in Chesapeake, VA, when another driver sideswiped his vehicle. The Dec. 23, 2013, crash sent our client to the hospital with lower back injuries.

Recovering from the accident required the man to miss several weeks of work, during which he racked up nearly $8,000 in medical bills while losing approximately $2,000 in wages. Even after returning to his job, our client needed to continue taking unpaid leave to keep physical therapy appointments.


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Key Legal Strategy

The injured man filed insurance claims against the at-fault driver, and the company did not contest liability. A problem arose, however, when insurance claims adjusters refused to offer a settlement higher than $11,500.

Knowing that the proposed settlement amount would barely cover his accident-related expenses to date while doing nothing to pay for ongoing medical care, the crash victim hired our Virginia car accident injury law firm. We assigned two personal injury attorneys to the case.

Further negotiations with the insurance company went nowhere, so we filed a civil lawsuit. In the end, a judge awarded our client $15,000.

This case highlights the extreme lengths to which car insurance companies will go just to save a few dollars, No one doubted that the driver the insurer covered caused the crash and injured our client. Insurance company reps did not even dispute the fact that our client deserved compensation for legitimate medical expenses and lost wages. Still, the company spent far more on going through a trial than it would have if it simply made a fair settlement offer.

We are pleased that our Virginia car accident injury attorneys could help this Chesapeake resident obtain the funds he needed to escape having financial harms piled on top of his physical injuries.

Court and Date: Chesapeake General District Court, Chesapeake, VA

Staff: Patrick J. Austin and another staff attorney