Virginia Personal Injury Archives - Page 3 of 14 - Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp
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Guide to Virginia Personal Injury Law

Attorney Rick Shapiro has put together a comprehensive summary of Virginia tort law. He put this summary together as part of a major seminar for the Virginia State Bar where Rick presented to fellow Virginia attorneys about personal injury law. Read the Summary Here The summary of Virginia tort/personal injury law answers important questions like:…

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Questions to Ask a Virginia Personal Injury Attorney

When you have been injured in an accident caused by another party, Virginia law allows you to pursue legal action against that individual or entity to recoup financial compensation for the losses the injuries have caused you. Although victims are not legally required to retain the services of a personal injury attorney, most cases have…

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How Often Do Dog Attacks Occur?

According to national statistics, there are more than 4 million people who are bitten by a dog each year. Almost one million of those victims need to seek medical treatment because of the severity of the bite they receive. Approximately 20 percent of dog bite victims develop some type of infection from the bite, and…

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