Post-traumatic stress disorder is a psychological disorder that can develop in people who have witnessed or experienced a traumatic event, such as a serious car accident. Roughly 5% of adults in the United States have been diagnosed with PTSD. If a car accident caused you to develop PTSD or another diagnosable psychological condition, you may be entitled to pursue financial compensation.
Am I eligible for compensation for PTSD caused by a car accident?
Proving that a car accident caused you to experience psychological trauma can be challenging. Fortunately, an experienced Virginia car accident lawyer from Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp can help you build a strong case for compensation and fight to ensure you get the damages you deserve. If you were diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder after a car accident in Virginia, call us to schedule your free consultation.
How Does PTSD Happen?
Since it is a mental health illness, many people find that professional help, such as therapy, alleviates many of the symptoms. Unfortunately, others endure the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder for the rest of their lives.
PTSD is the result of one of two things:
- The person experienced a traumatic event
- The person witnessed a traumatic event
In other words, a person could develop PTSD after being involved in a traffic accident or simply witnessing one.
There is no set timeline for the appearance of PTSD symptoms. Some accident victims manifest traumatic feelings and thoughts immediately following the accident, whereas others do not experience symptoms until days or weeks later. Some victims may not experience any symptoms until the next time they get in a car.
What Are the Symptoms of PTSD?
The easiest way to determine if you might be developing post-traumatic stress disorder is to know and identify the symptoms. The emotional symptoms most commonly associated with the onset of PTSD are:
- Nightmares, insomnia, and other sleep-related disturbances
- A fear of getting in a vehicle as a driver or passenger
- Flashbacks to the accident
- Anxiety brought on by the thought of having to go somewhere or being near a car, such as walking along a sidewalk
Many victims also endure physical symptoms related to PTSD. Those can include:
- Loss of appetite
- Nausea or digestive problems
- High blood pressure
- Muscle tension
- Persistent headaches
How is PTSD Diagnosed?
It is possible to pursue financial compensation for PTSD caused by a car accident as long as you must prove that you have it. This can be accomplished by receiving an official diagnosis from a therapist or a doctor.
Standard medical tests, such as MRIs and blood panels, are ineffective at diagnosing PTSD. Instead, a mental health assessment must be used.
This assessment is comprised of questions regarding your thoughts and feelings, as well as the symptoms you are experiencing. For instance, the therapist may ask you detailed questions about your daily habits or your sleeping pattern. They will also inquire about your moods, fears, and anxiety.
Financial Compensation for PTSD
With the help of an experienced Virginia personal injury attorney, it is possible to obtain financial compensation for post-traumatic stress disorder.
Your attorney can collect evidence regarding your car accident that proves:
- You are a victim
- You sustained physical injuries
- Your property was damaged
- You have been officially diagnosed with PTSD or another mental disorder
Once all relevant evidence has been collected, your attorney will be able to fight for compensation on your behalf.
Talk to a Virginia Car Accident Attorney
If you were involved in a Virginia car accident and have since been diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, you are entitled to compensation. Seek help from a therapist or doctor for your symptoms, and contact a Virginia car accident lawyer from Shapiro, Washburn & Sharp for reliable legal guidance. You can schedule a free case review by calling our law offices at (833) 997-1774 or filling out the online contact form on our website.
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